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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

What is ADHD, & nbsp;? Disorder Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

ADHD is a neurological disorder that affects 5% of children
<. p> It is an alteration of the development of attention, impulsivity, and behavior governed by obedience, self-monitoring rules and problem solving.

Features of the patient with attention deficit disorder sustained: Inattention:.

  • Inability to inhibit irrelevant stimuli, hindering its concentration long
  • can not maintain a "work consisting "a task that requires continuous performance.
  • There seems to be listening when you're talking about.
  • has difficulty organizing.
    < li> Avoid tasks involving mental effort
  • are distracted by anything
  • Features of the patient with Hyperactivity:.. < br>
  • patients with Hyperactivity; are characterized by:..
  • High level of motor activity
  • Your movement does not have a specific purpose
  • Changes continuously .

    Impulsivity patients are characterized by:

    • Difficulty in regulating and self-control of emotions.
    • Presence of thoughts and behaviors that express these emotions, internal and private, improperly
    • Do not respect the shifts.
    • interrupt or annoy others.
    • Precipitate your answer.
    • Do not tolerate frustration.

      patients with ADHD; Attention Deficit Disorder and Hyperactivity Disorder; They are characterized by:

      • Difficulties to organize and plan your tasks
      • Difficulties in managing the agenda
      • time management difficulties.
      • Difficulties with impulse control and the ability to delay rewards.
      • overactivity in irrelevant tasks .
      • performance show a pattern very variable.
      • your work capacity is less than the kids his age.
        < li> tire quickly and need high recovery periods.
      • have difficulty in acquiring basic learning skills.
      • have difficulties in learning procedures for carrying out the learning skills.

        patient symptoms associated with ADHD

        • challenging negativism
        • learning difficulties
        • Low Self-Esteem
        • emotional disorders
          < / Li>

          How we work

          Before starting the therapeutic approach is very important to know the medical history of the patient in order to rule out any organic or physical cause.

          Identify to variable disorder that we will be the second point on which to work.

          adaptations of access, provide strategies and guidelines to the patient , peers and teachers, are essential for you to confront and / or overcome the situation.

          Establish guidelines for organization and planning becomes the guidance of patients with ADHD

          in the case of ADHD, close to the school and parental behavior change collaboration is needed.

          from Clinic Athena, will be happy to guide you and accompany you in this process.

          See you there!

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Make and apointment with a Psychologist in Mallorca

For an appointment now or send us your questions through the following form. We will contact you to confirm the schedule or to resolve your queries as soon as possible.