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Behaviour disorders

What are behaviour disorders?

Behaviour disorders , known in DSM-5 (APA, 2013) by Disorders Disruptive of Control Impulses and Behavior, relate to problems self-monitoring behavior and emotions; conduct that violates rights of others (aggression, destruction ...) or lead the person to conflicts against social norms or persons of authority.

Features of Troubles disruptive Control impulses and Behavior:

When we are dealing with a case of disorder behavior, the highlight is that the boys are aggressive, with difficulties in social relationships both with peers and with adults and generally costs them obey.

in addition, given anger, seek external fault, lies and there may be theft or cruel actions towards other people and / or animals.

Even so, it is necessary to note that there are a number of diagnostic criteria that will lead to skilled professionals to differentiate to what disorder behavior we are or whether it is transient behavior altering behavior.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

A. Pattern persistent inattention and / or hyperactivity-impulsivity that interferes with the functioning or development, which is characterized by (1) and / or (2):

Inattention : Six (or more) of the following symptoms have persisted for at the least 6 months to a degree that does not match the level of development that directly affects social activities and academic / work:

  1. often fails to give due attention to details or careless mistakes in schoolwork, work or during other activities (p. eg., overlooked or details are lost, the work is not carried out precision).
  2. often has difficulty sustaining attention in tasks or recreational activities (p. eg., has difficulty sustaining attention in class, conversations or reading long).
  3. Does not seem to listen when spoken to directly (p. eg., it seems to have the mind on other things, including in the absence of any apparent distraction).
  4. Often does not follow instructions and fails to finish schoolwork, chores or work duties (p. . Eg work starts but is distracted quickly and evades easily)
  5. Often has difficulty organizing tasks and activities (eg, difficulty tasks to manage sequential;... Difficulty putting materials and belongings in order, carelessness and disorganization at work, mismanagement of time, does not meet the deadlines)
  6. often avoids, dislikes or little is enthusiastic about starting tasks that require sustained mental effort (. . eg homework or chores;. in older adults and adolescents, reporting, completing forms, reviewing long articles)
  7. often loses things necessary for tasks or activities (eg... , school supplies, pencils, books, tools, wallet, keys, paper work, glasses, mobile).
  8. is often easily distracted by external stimuli (for older adults and adolescents, may include thoughts related).
  9. often forgets daily activities (p. G., Doing homework, doing errands; in older adults and teenagers, return calls, paying bills, keeping appointments)

Hyperactivity and impulsivity.

Six (or more) of the following symptoms have persisted for at the least 6 months to a degree that does not match the level of development that directly affects social activities and academic / work:

  1. often fidgets with or hit the hands or feet or squirms in seat.
  2. often rises in situations where they are expected to remain seated (p. eg., stands in the classroom, in the office or elsewhere work, or other situations that require stay in place).
  3. frequently scampers or climbing in situations where not appropriate. (NB. In adolescents or adults, may be limited to fidgeting)
  4. It is often unable to play or engage quietly in recreational activities
  5. often is "busy". acting as if "will drive a motor" (eg, it is unable to be or feel uncomfortable still remain for a long time, as in restaurants, meetings,.. others may think you are uneasy or finds it difficult to follow) ..
  6. often talks excessively
  7. often responds unexpectedly or before it has concluded a question (eg ending phrases of others.. does not respect the shift conversation).
  8. often it is difficult to wait their turn (p. eg., while waiting in a queue).
  9. often interrupts or intrudes with others (p. eg ., gets in conversations, games or activities, you can start using things other people without expecting or receiving permission, in adolescents and adults, pu Ede meddle or preempt what they do others).

B. Some symptoms of inattention or hyperactive-impulsive were present before age 12.

C. Several symptoms of inattention or hyperactive-impulsive are present in two or more settings (eg, at home, at school or at work;.. With friends or relatives in other activities).

D. There is clear evidence that symptoms interfere with functioning social work, academic or, or reduce the quality of them.

E. The symptoms do not occur exclusively during the course of schizophrenia or other psychotic disorder and are not better accounted for by another mental disorder (p. Eg., Disorder of mood, anxiety disorder, dissociative disorder, personality disorder, . intoxication or substance withdrawal)

Finally, note that can be diagnosed ADHD combined display, if the criteria are met inattentive and hyperactive / impulsive; Presentation ADHD predominantly inattentive, if the criteria for Inattention but not hyperactivity / impulsivity are met; or ADHD predominantly hyperactive Presentation / impulsive, if the criteria of hyperactivity / impulsivity are met, but not inattentive.

Oppositional Defiant Disorder

According to the DSM-5 (diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), the diagnostic criteria are:

A. A pattern anger / irritability, discussions / defiant or vindictiveness that lasts at least six months, which manifests at least four symptoms of any of the following categories and exhibited during the interaction at least with an individual who is not a brother .

Anger / irritability

  1. & nbsp; often loses his cool .
  2. & nbsp; often is susceptible or upset easily
  3. it is often angry and resentful

Discussions / defiant attitude

  1. often discussed with authority or with adults, in the case of children and adoles Centes.
  2. Often actively defies or refuses to comply with the request by authority figures or standards.
  3. often disturbs others deliberately.
  4. A often blames others for his mistakes or misbehavior.


  1. has been spiteful or vindictive at least twice in the last six months

B. This disorder of the behavior is associated with discomfort in the individual or others in their immediate social environment (ie, family, group of friends, coworkers) or have a negative impact on social, educational, occupational or other important areas.

C. the behaviors do not occur exclusively during the course of a psychotic disorder, substance use disorder, a depressive disorder or a bipolar . In addition, no criteria for a disorder disturbing deregulation of mood are met.

Conduct Disorder

According to the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) diagnostic criteria are:

A. A repetitive and persistent pattern of behavior in which the basic rights of others are not respected, the standards or own social rules of age, which is manifested by the presence in the last twelve months at least three of the following criteria fifteen in any of the following categories, having at least one in the last six months:

Aggression to people and animals (criteria 1-7), destruction of property (criteria 8 and 9), deceit or theft (criteria 10-12) and breach grave of standards (criteria 13-15):..

  1. & nbsp; often harassed, threatened or intimated others
  2. & nbsp; often fights start
  3. you have used a weapon that can provoc ar serious harm to others (p. eg., a cane, brick, broken bottle, knife, gun).
  4. has practiced physical cruelty against people.
  5. has practiced physical cruelty against animals.
  6. You have stolen confronting a victim (p. eg., burglary, theft of a purse, extortion, armed robbery).
  7. has sexually raped someone.
  8. lit Ha fire deliberately with intent to cause serious damage
  9. deliberately destroyed someone's property (but not through fire)
  10. & nbsp;.. invaded Ha house, building or car someone.
  11. often lies to obtain objects or favors or to avoid obligations (p. eg. "tricks" to others).
  12. has stolen items of nontrivial value without confronting a victim (eg, I shoplifting without violence or invasion;.. forgery).
  13. often out at night despite the ban on parents, beginning before age 13 years.
  14. You have spent a night away from home without permit while living with their parents or in a foster home at least twice or once itself was absent for a long time.
  15. often missing in school, beginning before age 13 years.

B. disorder behavior causes significant distress clinically in occupational social areas, academic or

C. If the age of the individual is 18 years or older, no criteria for antisocial personality are met.

Lack of remorse or guilt: Do not feel bad or guilty when you do something wrong (do not count expressing remorse only when surprised or before a punishment). The individual shows a general lack of concern about the negative consequences of their actions. For example, the individual feels no remorse after damage to someone or worries about the consequences of breaking the rules

Insensitive, devoid of empathy. Ignores not concerned about the feelings of others . This individual is described as cold and indifferent. The person seems more concerned about the effects of their actions on themselves than on others, even when they cause appreciable harm to others

Carefree for performance. It does not show concern about a deficit or problematic performance school, work or other important activities. The individual does not make the necessary effort to achieve good performance even when expectations are clear, and often blame others for their underperformance

Affection surface or poor. It does not express feelings or show emotions the other, except in a way that seems little sense, insincere or superficial (eg with actions that contradict the expressed emotion;.. you can "connect" or "disconnect" emotions quickly) or when it resorts to emotional expressions for benefits (p. eg., expresses emotions to manipulate or intimidate others).

intermittent explosive Disorder

A. recurrent outbursts in behavior that reflect a lack of impulse control, aggressiveness, manifested by one of the following:

  1. Verbal aggression (eg, tantrums, tirades, disputes or verbal fights.. ) or physical aggression against property, animals or other individuals, on average twice a week for a period of three months. Physical aggression does not cause damage or destruction of property, or causes physical injury to animals or other individuals.
  2. Three raptures behavior causing damage or destruction of property or physical assault with injury animals or other individuals, happened in the last twelve months.

B. The magnitude of aggressiveness expressed during recurrent bursts is quite out of proportion to any provocation or precipitating psychosocial stressor.

C. Recurrent aggressive outbursts are unpremeditated (ie, they are impulsive or provoked by anger) nor pursue any tangible purpose (p. Eg., Money, power, intimidation).

D. Aggressive outbursts provoke recurring discomfort in the individual marking alter their work performance or relationships, have financial or legal consequences.

E. The individual has a chronological age of six years at least (or an equivalent level of development).

F. Aggressive outbursts recurrent are not better accounted for by another mental disorder (p. Eg., Disorder, major depressive, bipolar disorder, disruptive deregulation mood, psychotic disorder, antisocial personality disorder, borderline personality), or can be attributed to other medical condition (p. g., head trauma, Alzheimer's disease) or physiological effects of a substance (p. g., drug, medication). In children aged between 6 and encompassed 18 years, aggressive behavior that is part of an adjustment disorder should not be assigned him this diagnosis.

How we work

From Atenea Clinic we focus primarily on enabling the user to know and ahead of possible situations that are going to upset carry potential and an inadequate reaction: find the cause of these behaviors, detect when given, If the cause is external or internal, redirect the thoughts to seek alternatives to their possible reaction, etc. We seek consciousness and self-control so that their behavior will redirigiéndose and enable him to himself for proper personal development.

In parallel and heading to parents or people living with young people with impaired behavior, we seek to provide support and guidance to learn how to manage behavior and improve the family environment, retaking control of the situation, learning how to talk and how to establish a rapport to leave behind the fights and screams. To do this, we have the service Psychologist home where the psychologist moves to the home of the young, where direct observation facilitates know and understand the real situation and bring more appropriate to the needs tools.

In addition , perform counseling in schools, jointly developing an individualized order to intervene and redirect behavior problems that occur in this environment plan.

with the in order to give maximum strategies to boys with conduct disorder, group social skills workshops are held, where under the supervision of an expert psychologist situations are created peer serve them as a model to learn how to manage their real life.

Please contact us to be informed of how we can help.

Behaviour disorders

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