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Eating Disorders

What are Eating Disorders?

When a patient suffers from eating disorders has serious underlying problems that must be analyzed. Behavior of overeating, not eating enough, eating eagerly, compulsively ... reflect problems of anxiety, stress, excessive concern about body, health, insecurity, low self-esteem ... < . anorexia nervosa, - br>

Within this group anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder

are included it can be defined as that eating disorder whose origin is neurotic. It is characterized by the rejection of any type of food. Often accompanied by vomiting caused

-. Bulimia Nervosa, can be defined as, that eating disorder whose origin is neurotic. Is characterized by compulsive food intake followed by guilt, discomfort, embarrassment .... with provocation of vomiting, to lessen these feelings

-. Binge eating < / b> can be defined as that condition in which we consume large amounts of food compulsively

Anorexia Nervosa: patient with Anorexia Nervosa presents the following symptoms:

  • Fatigue
  • Dizziness or fainting
  • Insomnia
  • slim look
  • excessive weight loss or weight achieve planned for development.
  • bluish discoloration in the fingers.
  • Hair fine or crisp
  • hair loss
  • dry skin or yellow
  • No monthly
  • irregular heartbeat.
  • Intol erancia to the cold
  • Dehydration
  • swelling of the arms or legs
  • irregular blood pressure.
  • dental erosion and calluses on the knuckles by the provocation of vomiting.
  • Make exercise excessively
  • Concern for food.
  • Skipping meals.
  • social withdrawal
  • Irritability

    Bulimia Nervosa: The patient with Bulimia Nervosa has the following symptoms:

    excessive food intake

    . guilt.

    Unleashing vomiting.

    distorted body image.

    biochemical alterations in blood. < . br>

    Lack of calcium

    Anxiety high

    Binge Eating Disorder. patients with Binge Eating Disorder presents the following symptoms .
    • Consumption of large quantities of food
    • Eating quickly
    • Eat, even when it is. full or not hungry.
    • Eating alone frequently.
    • Feeling guilty when you have done such conduct.
      < li> They feel depressed.
    • Present anxiety.
    • They feel ashamed and frustrated.
    • They start many diets without to achieve weight loss.
    • lose and gain weight very often.

      How do we work?

      Before starting the therapeutic approach is very important to know the medical history of the patient to identify factors that could participate in the development of the eating disorder.

      the second point on which work would be conducting questionnaires to establish the detectors.

      once detected factors and detectors the name of the eating disorder is identified

      in these types of therapies is required different approaches.

      • Nutritional Therapy: reeducation food .
      • Drug Therapy: for certain eating disorders, it is imperative to appeal to them to establish, quickly and steady, adequate levels in the body, both physical and psychological
        <. / li>
      • Psychological Therapy: the objective and provide strategies and guidelines to the patient, so you can confront and / or overcome situac ion.

        In some cases, patients' lives may be in danger and their intervention is necessary.

        Since we want to lead you Athena Clinic and help in acquiring guidelines and strategies to confront eating disorders.

        prevention programs are needed to prevent the development and / or impact of such diseases.

        from Clinic Athena will be happy to help you better understand the symptoms and to anticipate its development.

Eating Disorders

Make and apointment with a Psychologist in Mallorca

For an appointment now or send us your questions through the following form. We will contact you to confirm the schedule or to resolve your queries as soon as possible.